Truth, Untamed: What’s the deal?

Giving Christians Their Sword Back

Slowly but surely, Christians have lost their sword. It's time to get it back.

Let me back up; I don't mean that Christians should start buying and sharpening actual swords. Nor do I mean that we need to revert to the mission of the Crusades. Before the anti-violence activists come running out of the woodwork, I don't mean that we should engage in any violence at all. No, our sword is metaphorical, and by all accounts, it's missing in action.

Paul exhorts us as soldiers, rallying us to battle: “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” (Ephesians 6:13).

What we are missing in our preparation for war is "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17).

No one would deny that we are living in an "evil day", this much is plain. However, many well-meaning Christians have a different idea of how we are supposed to live in this evil day. Some christians, either mis-led by others or innocently ignorant, have come to the conclusion that we survive the evil day by keeping our heads down, attending church on Sunday, and not getting into too much trouble. To add to the biblical metaphor at hand; some believers are fully content to tend to their gardens and let the world fall to pieces.

Others believe that we can vote in the change the world needs; that politics are the battle ground and our political parties are the weapons to bring good to the earth. This is why many Christians fall into the pit of worshipping politicians, adopting the creed "Father, Son, and Holy Trump" (replace Trump with whatever conservative politician is ruling the day at the time of your reading).

Paul, however, has a different Idea. Christians are to prepare for spiritual battle. Christians are to fight for a literal Kingdom. Jesus Himself gives us the command, the how of it all:

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” (Matthew‬ ‭28:18-20‬)

Our marching orders are clear. Make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey. This is our fight, our strategy, the marching orders of our King. This is how we conquer the earth and partner with God in curing all evil and wrongdoing. Seems small and simple, but then again, thats usually how God works. The kicker is that all of this requires an active knowledge of the word of God. Only one problem, where did we put that sword?

The reason that Christians are losing the cultural battle in our day is not because we don't know that a battle is raging, its because we aren't ready for that battle. 40-minute sermons on Sunday and the occasional light devotional is not taking hold of the sword; its admiring it in its case. By and large, we exist in a time where the church doesn't know the word of God, and therefore cannot use the word of God.

And if we cannot use the word of God? We leave our children and grandchildren a battle much tougher than ours, and leave them ill-prepared to to face it.

What To Do About It

This is why we are here. This is why this website exists. It's time to get our sword back. For many Christians, life is just too busy. For others, they don't know how the Bible applies to the modern madness around them. For others still, they don't know how to unsheathe it and cut through the opposition. Hopefully, by God's grace, this small action can help.

This blog is designed to equip you and train you, placing the sword firmly in your palms, and showing you how to swing it. From basic theology, to devotionals, to cultural trends and current events, to book and article recommendations, these writings are designed to strengthen your faith and encourage your soul. You were designed for this battle; to live an impactful life to the glory of God. You can do this, you just need your sword back.

What’s The End Goal?

The goal is that Christians would start making ground in culture; one believer, family, household, small group, church body, and community at a time. The goal is that Christians would forsake Sunday-morning-only Christianity for a pursuit of something greater. That we wouldn't be powerless against the cultural tides of our day.

The goal is for you to love God, disciple your family, build a godly legacy, serve your churches, and make disciples in your community. And it all starts with the sword on your nightstand. So let's open our Bibles and rend our hearts; God is not finished with us, and the battle has just begun.

Blake Comeaux

Blake is the founder and author of Truth Untamed. He has a degree in Biblical Studies from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves at Journey Church in Central, LA with his wife Hannah and their two children.


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