Christianity is the New Rebellion

Rebellion against cultural norms happens in every generation. Cowboys, Speakeasies, Rock and Roll, Hippies, Grunge, and Hip-Hop have all had their turn as symbols of rebellion against the restrictions of the culture at large. Gone are those days. The new rebellion looks different, yet strikingly familiar. The new rebellion doesn’t seek to scorn moral sensibilities, but to rediscover them. The new rebellion doesn’t aim to break free from the past, but to resurrect it. In a culture gone mad with rebellion, the new rebellion looks a lot like the old order. In a world obsessed with new ideas, the new rebellion strives to unlock the truths of the past. 

Want to be a rebel? Allow me to show you the way. 

Rebels with a Cause

True rebels rebel because they recognize that the current order isn’t working. Politics are ever divided, suicided is common-place, and the only answer the world has is increased medication, or if you're Canadian, euthanasia. Our fattened government takes on more power, and spends more money, and no one is any the better. The new normal has failed us. 

To seek out the ultimate niche for rebellion in whatever age you find yourself; ask this question, “What do the powerful, influential, cultural leaders of our day absolutely abhor?” The answer is overwhelmingly obvious; genuine devotion to Jesus Christ, and all of the moral behaviors that flow from that devotion. The established order has no problem with any other religion. They think it would be bigoted to speak against Islam or Buddism, but the loathe Christianity. The reason for this is also obvious. Christianity provides everything you need to be utterly different than 99% of the people around you. Things that used to be basic knowledge are now open treason against our pop-culture overlords. Even belief in a God who orders the universe is scandalous. It is easier to believe that everything came from nothing, and randomly expanded into order, apparently. 

The old rebellion shunned higher purpose and calling, opting instead for a radical individualism that maintains that the only meaning in life is self-satisfaction. Therefore, marriage is only to be committed to as long as you feel satisfied. Children must only be born when you feel like you are ready, pregnant or not. As you can see, what used to be rebellion has become the belief of the day. So now, to rebel isn’t to shun meaning, purpose, calling, and responsibility - but to embrace it. The rebel without a cause is dead, long-live the purposeful rebellion. 

Now once you have spurned the hateful masses and believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, and bodily resurrection - how should you order your life to truly be a radical revolutionary? It really is easy; obey what Jesus commands. To do this, we will need to resurrect some of the old ways, the paths our grandparents walked. Call it “retro”, if you will. I prefer “timeless”. And if it is timeless, then it is surely timely. 

Back to Basics

There are a handful of things that you could do, and beliefs you can hold, that will cause the world to hate you in the best way possible. Potential rebels take note; these few points will not only cause them to hate you, but you may just find that your life flourishes in the process. Before we start our rebellious actions, first return to the basics of human existence. There is a God. He rules over all of creation. Human beings are made in His image. In His image they are made male and female, and we can tell who's who through basic anatomy. In most colleges this is considered hate-speech, but its merely the foundation of what we must rediscover to be proper rebels. 

Once you have embraced the basics of human existence, the next step is to act accordingly. In other words, men should act like men and women should act like women. This means that feminine and masculine behaviors are not constructs of an oppressive patriarchy, but God-given attributes of image-bearers (Genesis 1:27, Deuteronomy 22:5, 1 Corinthians 16:13). Believe this biblical truth, and you are farther ahead than an ivy-league gender-studies major with six-figures of student loan debt. 

To begin your true rebellion, the first action step is to join a local church. Be really committed to your fellow revolutionaries. Second, get married, and I mean real marriage; one man and one woman for life. Third, have babies. To really get under the skin of the establishment, have more than two -  If you are going to rebel, why not go all out? Fourth, and this is a doozy, pull your children from government schools. We are raising spiritual warriors for battle, let’s not send them off to the enemy for their training. 

Finally, live godly and content lives, preaching the Gospel to all who He places in your path. Don’t chase the world or its goods. Be radically more in love with Jesus than money. This will show people the value of what you preach. And make sure to really preach it, the world needs our message. The establishment will tell you not to shove your religion down anyone's throat, while they shove theirs down yours. Don’t listen. Tell everyone about Jesus; loudly and proudly. Maybe even organize a parade. Plant churches, vote for Christians, start businesses, get promotions, and all the while have the name of Jesus ever upon your lips. 

It doesn’t take a violent revolution to turn the world upside down. Just a few rebels who aren’t afraid to be different. And if those rebels are filled with the Spirit of the Living God? Well, they may just shake the nations. So commit to the mundane, boring, fulfilling, purposeful lives that God has called you too. Down with “The Man”, shake off their chains, find freedom in Christ, and live radically different. You may just find that the new rebellion is what you were made for.

Blake Comeaux

Blake is the founder and author of Truth Untamed. He has a degree in Biblical Studies from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves at Journey Church in Central, LA with his wife Hannah and their two children.


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